Viso Student Engagement Center (SEC)
How to Get There
At the front of campus, go straight through the traffic light towards the circle. Visitors can park in the 40-minute zone in front and to the left.
>For longer parking time, please park in lots A, B, C, and walk over. These lots are located by turning RIGHT at the traffic circle, entering the lots to the left, and paying for parking at a yellow kiosk.
What is Here?
Welcome Center
1st Floor - Front
1st Floor - Front
Financial Aid
1st Floor - Front
1st Floor - Back
1st Floor - Middle
1st Floor
1st Floor
Career Center
1st Floor
Tutoring Center
1st Floor - Back
KJs Cafe
1st Floor - Back
Faculty Offices
2nd Floor
Community Ed
3rd Floor
Administrative Offices
3rd Floor